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Dixons Marchbank Primary


Below are our long term curriculum plans for each year group for the current year. Here, you can view the content of our teaching over the course of the year across all year groups.

Nursery Long Term Plan 2024-25

Reception Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 1 Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 2 Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 3 Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2024-25

Year 6 Long Term Plan 2024-25


Progression in Knowledge documents provide an explanation of what is taught within the long term plan headings:

Writing Progression of Knowledge

Art and Design Progression of Knowledge

Computing Progression of Knowledge

Design and Technology Progression of Knowledge

EYFS Progression of Knowledge

Geography Progression of Knowledge

History Progression of Knowledge

MFL Progression of Knowledge

PE Progression of Knowledge

Science Progression of Knowledge


At Dixons Marchbank, we teach a mastery curriculum in maths following the White Rose Maths structure. Number fluency, reasoning and problem solving are taught within all topics.

White Rose Maths Schemes - Y1-Y6

White Rose Maths Scheme - EYFS

Addition and Subtraction Policy

Multiplication and Division Policy

If using TTRockStars at home, please visit to load the latest version in the devices browser. Or download the Times Tables Rockstars app from the app store.


Read Write Inc Phonics Intent and Implementation

We use Read, Write, Inc. across all year groups throughout school for the teaching of phonics and reading.

Please note that parents have a right to withdraw their child from part or all of Religious Education (RE) and part or all of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE/RSHE) please contact the academy via email if you wish to discuss this.


Topic Webs and Knowledge Organisers for each year group are available in the Downloads section below and will be updated every term. They provide more detailed information about teaching content for the term and the vocabulary your child will need to be successful in their learning.
